Browse Items (165 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Tags: Street Page of 2 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added 24 Buffum Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Ernest F. Symonds Book-keeper Descendant of James Symonds Renowned 17th-century furniture maker Built in 1897 on land granted to John Symonds, a master joiner from Norfolk, England Tags: 1897, 2018, 24, Buffum, ernest, History, House, James, John, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Symonds 19 North Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built as a medical office for Dr. John G. Treadwell in 1852 Remodeled for J. F. Appleton in 1893 Tags: 1852, 1893, 19, 2019, Appleton, Dr., G., History, House, J. F., John, Massachusetts, North, Salem, Street, Treadwell 69 Summer Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for George W. Fuller Retailer and his wife Harriet Guy Fuller in 1914 Tags: 1914, 2019, 69, Fuller, George, Guy, Harriet, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Summer, W. 16 Cross Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for John F. Wells Railroad Carpenter and his wife Maria L. Weeks in 1876 Tags: 16, 1876, 2019, Cross, F., History, House, John, L., Maria, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Weeks, Wells 23 Briggs Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for John Goodhue Fisherman and his wife Anna Preston c. 1740 Tags: 1740, 2019, 23, Anna, Briggs, circa, Goodhue, History, House, John, Massachusetts, Preston, Salem, Street 360 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Capt. Emery S. Johnson Shipmaster & Merchant Spring 1853 Tags: 1853, 2019, 360, Captain, Emery, Essex, History, House, Johnson, Massachusetts, S., Salem, Street 130 Bridge Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built by Moses Hale Carpenter 1804 Home of Capt. Joseph Beadle Master Mariner 1825 Tags: 130, 1804, 2019, Beadle, Bridge, Captain, Hale, History, House, Joseph, Massachusetts, Moses, Salem, Street 107 Bridge Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Benjamin Chever Jr. 1799 Home of Capt. Josiah P. Creesy & Eleanor Prentiss Creesy of Clipper Ship “Flying Cloud” Tags: 107, 1799, 2019, Benjamin, Bridge, Captain, Chever, Creesy, Eleanor, History, House, Josiah, Jr., Massachusetts, P., Prentiss, Salem, Street 16 Pickman Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built as a Double House by David Lord Housewright 1806 Tags: 16, 1806, 2019, David, History, House, Lord, Massachusetts, Pickman, Salem, Street 34 Summer Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built by John Perkins Housewright c. 1839 Tags: 1839, 2019, 34, circa, History, House, John, Massachusetts, Perkins, Salem, Street, Summer 28 Arbella Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Sarah H. Plummer & William H. Plummer Shoemaker c. 1873 Tags: 1873, 2019, 28, Arbella, circa, H., History, House, Massachusetts, Plummer, Salem, Sarah, Street, William 2-4 Emerton Street Built for James A. Gillis Counsellor by 1894 Tags: 2-4, 2019, A., by 1894, Emerton, Gillis, History, House, James, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 29 Dearborn Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Walter T. Berry Grocer & his wife Adelaide S. Warner in 1911 Tags: 1911, 2019, 29, Adelaide, Berry, Dearborn, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Walter, Warner The Industrial and Social Development of Boston Street, Salem The Industrial and Social Development of Boston Street, Salem Tags: 1978, Boston, Development, Industrial, Massachusetts, Salem, Social, Street 1 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built by James Fanning Carpenter c. 1894 Tags: 1, 1894, 2019, circa, Essex, Fanning, History, House, James, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 4 Carpenter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for the Nichols family c. 1905 Designed by Ernest Machado Architect Tags: 1905, 2019, 4, Carpenter, circa, ernest, History, House, Machado, Massachusetts, Nichols, Salem, Street 52 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Daniel Sage Mariner and Merchant c. 1800 Tags: 1800, 2019, 52, circa, Daniel, Essex, History, House, Massachusetts, Sage, Salem, Street 25 Warren Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Dennis Brady Currier c. 1870 Tags: 1870, 2019, 25, Brady, circa, Dennis, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Warren 58 Endicott Street, Salem, MA 01970 Original house built for Jesse S. Punchard 1846 Rebuilt after the Great Salem Fire June 1914 Tags: 1864, 1914, 2019, 58, Endicott, Great Salem Fire, History, House, Jesse, Massachusetts, Punchard, Salem, Street 386 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Willard Goldthwaite Merchant 1868 Tags: 1868, 2019, 386, Essex, Goldthwaite, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Willard 86 Federal Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Robert Peele Jr. Tailor and his wife Elizabeth Ropes 1769 Tags: 1769, 2019, 86, Elizabeth, Federal, History, House, Jr., Massachusetts, Peele, Robert, Ropes, Salem, Street 144-146 Federal Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Capt. Thomas Whittredge Shipmaster and his wife Sarah Whittredge c. 1802 Tags: 144, 146, 1802, 2019, Captain, circa, Federal, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Sarah, Street, Thomas, Whittredge 8 Chestnut Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built by Daniel Gregg Housewright c. 1804-1805 Expanded or rebuilt by John Stone Between 1825-1839 Tags: 1804, 1805, 2019, 8, Chestnut, circa, Daniel, Gregg, History, House, John, Massachusetts, Salem, Stone, Street 1 Brown Street, Salem, MA 01970 Bray Homestead c. 1766 Tags: 1, 1766, 1973, Bray, Brown, circa, Daniel, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 198 North Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Henry Chew A free man of color Mariner c. 1834 Tags: 1834, 198, 2018, Chew, circa, Henry, History, House, Massachusetts, North, Salem, Street 31 Appleton Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Laura Lamprey & her husband Reuben Lamprey Heel Manufacturer c. 1889 Tags: 1889, 2018, 31, Appleton, circa, History, House, Lamprey, Laura, Massachusetts, Reuben, Salem, Street 9 Albion Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built by Benjamin Voller Laborer 1848 Tags: 1848, 2018, 9, Albion, Benjamin, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Voller 18 Chestnut Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for James B. Bott c. 1800 Home of Nathaniel Hawthorne 1846-1847 Tags: 18, 1800, 2018, B., Bott, Chestnut, circa, Hawthorne, History, House, James, Massachusetts, Nathaniel, Salem, Street 4 Cousins Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Joseph “Frank” & Mary Boynton Clothier: Kent & Boynton; Cape Ann Clothing Co. 1894; rebuilt 1910 Built on the former estate of Philip & Mary English (née Hollingsworth) Maritime Merchant & Salem Selectman Accused of Witchcraft,… Tags: 1894, 1910, 2018, 4, Boynton, Cousins, English, Frank, History, Hollingsworth, House, Joseph, Mary, Massachusetts, Philip, Salem, Street 11 Daniels Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for the Grafton family before 1806 Tags: 11, 1806, 2018, before, Daniels, Grafton, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 166-168 Bridge Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Ezra Woodbury Carpenter & his wife Mary Knight 1877 Tags: 166, 168, 1877, 2018, Bridge, Ezra, History, House, Knight, Mary, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Woodbury 17.5 River Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Ann McMahon Widow of County Clare Ireland 1884 Tags: 17.5, 1884, 1983, 2018, Ann, History, House, John, Massachusetts, McMahon, River, Salem, Street 4 Andrew Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built as a stable for Isabella C. Miller 1877 Converted to dwelling after Great Salem Fire 1914 Tags: 1877, 1914, 2018, 4, Andrew, Great Salem Fire, Isabella, Massachusetts, Miller, Salem, Street 7 Prescott Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built by Giuseppe Giunta Gardener 1916 Tags: 1916, 2018, 7, Giunta, Giuseppe, History, House, Massachusetts, Prescott, Salem, Street 14 Herbert Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Antonina and John Boltrukiewicz Machine Painter 1912 Tags: 14, 1912, 2018, Antonina, Boltrukiewicz, Herbert, History, House, John, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 47 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for J. Lovett Whipple Wheelwright c. 1854 Tags: 1854, 2018, 47, circa, Essex, History, House, J., Lovett, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Whipple 84 Federal Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Lois E. Mooney and Alvin J. Mooney, Conductor of Boston & Maine Railroad 1899 Tags: 1899, 2018, 84, Alvin, Federal, History, House, Lois, Massachusetts, Mooney, Salem, Street 32 Forrester Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Lizzie and Samuel Frank Masury Tobacconist 1884 Tags: 1884, 2018, 32, Forrester, Frank, History, House, Lizzie, Massachusetts, Masury, Salem, Samuel, Street 11 Pickman Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built by John S. Edwards, Housewright c. 1834 Tags: 11, 1834, 2018, circa, Edwards, History, House, John, Massachusetts, Pickman, Salem, Street 30 Northey Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Nathaniel Appleton, Jr. c. 1809 Tags: 1809, 2003, 30, Appleton, circa, History, House, Jr., Massachusetts, Nathaniel, Northey, Salem, Street 18 Crombie Street, Salem, MA 01970 The William Pike House. Built for Samuel Ferguson, painter, by 1831 Tags: 18, 1831, 1990, by, Crombie, Ferguson, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Samuel, Street, William Pike 2 Daniels Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built 1906 for Mrs. Elizabeth Stevenson (plaque has more wording than this) Tags: 1906, 2, 2001, Brown, Charles, Daniels, Elizabeth, F., History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Stevenson, Street 19 Flint Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Leonard Harrington, leather dealer, 1871 Tags: 1871, 19, 2002, Flint, Harrington, History, House, Leonard, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 193-195 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built in 1805 for the Merchants B. Herbert Hathorne and W. Shepard Gray Tags: 1805, 193, 195, 2002, B., Essex, Gray, Hathorne, Herbert, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Shepard, Street, W. 4-10 Central Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built in 1805 for the Merchants B. Herbert Hathorne and W. Shepard Gray Tags: 10, 1805, 2002, 4, B., Central, Gray, Hathorne, Herbert, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Shepard, Street, W. 7 Carpenter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built as the Orphanage of the Seamen’s Orphans & Children’s Friend Society 1878 Tags: 1878, 2002, 7, Aaron, Carpenter, Goldthwait, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 17 Carlton Street, Salem, MA 01970 Built for Margaret Ellison Bray - Widow c. 1808 Tags: 17, 1808, 1831, 2002, Benjamin, Bray, Carlton, circa, Ellison, History, House, Margaret, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 64-68 Essex Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built 1893 for Zina Goodell, machinist, inventor Tags: 1893, 2006, 64, 68, Essex, Goodell, History, House, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Zina 53 Essex Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Owned by Rebecca Silsbee, moved to this site by 1843 Tags: 1843, 1979, 53, by, Essex, History, House, Massachusetts, Rebecca, Salem, Silsbee, Street 153 Federal Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Aaron Hayward, master mason Tags: 01970, 153, 1842, Aaron, Booth, Federal, Hayward, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Street 167 Federal Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built by Ezra Woodbury, carpenter Tags: 01970, 167, 1878, 1989, Ezra, Federal, Joyce, King, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Woodbury 172 Federal Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for George Nichols Tags: 01970, 172, 1849, 1996, Donna, Federal, George, Massachusetts, Nichols, Seger, Street, Vinson 175 Federal Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built by Joshua Cross, housewright Tags: 01970, 175, 1790, 1988, Cross, Federal, Joshua, Joyce, King, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 47 Federal Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Captain John Felt Tags: 47, Bailey, Federal, Felt, Joan, John, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 55 - 57 Federal Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Joshua Loring, coach-maker Tags: 55, 55-57, 57, Booth, Federal, Joshua, Loring, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Street 60 Federal Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for David Crowell, cordwainer Tags: 60, Crowell, David, Federal, Goff, John, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 63 Federal Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Nathaniel Treadwell, leather manufacturer Tags: 63, Federal, Joyce, King, Massachusetts, Nathaniel, Salem, Street, Treadwell 155 Fort Avenue, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for William G. Cochrane, manufacturer in 1909 Tags: 155, 1909, 2000, Booth, Cochrane, Forrester, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Street, William 18 Orne Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Joshua Upham, chemist, 1835 Tags: 18, 1835, 1976, History, House, Joshua, Massachusetts, Orne, Salem, Street, Upham 20-22 Orne Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Tags: 1869, 20-22, 2015, circa, Daniel, Harris, History, House, M., Massachusetts, Orne, Salem, Street 91 Orne Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Benjamin Peters, Fisherman & Coaster 1762 (formerly 30 North Street) Tags: 1762, 2003, 30, 91, Benjamin, History, House, Massachusetts, North, Orne, Peters, Salem, Street 47 Osgood Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 William Stickney, ropemaker, 1835 Tags: 1835, 1970, 47, History, House, Massachusetts, Osgood, Salem, Stickney, Street, William 21 Pickman Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Moses Marshall, housewright, 1809 Tags: 1809, 1978, 21, History, House, Marshall, Massachusetts, Moses, Pickman, Salem, Street 22 Pickman Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built 1886 for John H. Davis, junk dealer Tags: 1886, 2005, 22, Davis, H., History, House, John, Massachusetts, Pickman, Salem, Street 23 Pickman Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Alice M. Tilton & her sisters between 1887 and 1890 Tags: 1887, 1890, 2015, 23, Alice, Bayley, Carrie, Ellen, History, House, M., Massachusetts, McDuffee, P., Pickman, S., Salem, Street, Tilton 4 Phillips Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Henry P. Hood, trader in 1840, Shop of Henry Balcomb, carpenter 1860, Altered to a dwelling house in 1868 Tags: 1840, 1860, 1868, 1983, 4, Balcomb, Henry, History, Hood, House, Massachusetts, P., Phillips, Salem, Street 10 Pleasant Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for John Rhodes, Mariner, 1809 Tags: 10, 1809, 1978, History, House, John, Massachusetts, Pleasant, Rhodes, Salem, Street 6 Rawlins Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for James O’Connell, Shopkeeper & Currier 1868 House used as a combined residence and liquor store and saloon in 1870’s & 1880’s Tags: 1868, 2003, 6, History, House, James, Massachusetts, O'Connell, Rawlins, Salem, Street 416 Lafayette Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Dixey Morgan, farmer 1762 Tags: 1762, 1968, 416, Dee, Dixey, Farmer, Lafayette, Massachusetts, Morgan, Salem, Street 387 Lafayette Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for The Ahern Family by 1878 Tags: 1878, 1982, 387, Ahern, Joyce, King, Lafayette, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 310 Lafayette Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Mudgett family between 1901 and 1903 Tags: 1901, 1903, 2015, 310, Kimberly, Lafayette, Massachusetts, Mudgett, Salem, Street, Whitworth 284 Lafayette Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Ephraim A. Emmerton, 1879 Tags: 1879, 1970, 284, Coach, Dee, Emmerton, Ephraim, House, Lafayette, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 262 Lafayette Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for William A. Bates, dentist in 1868 Tags: 1868, 1987, 262, Bates, Dentist, Joyce, King, Lafayette, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, William 259 Lafayette Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Jose Margati, Bookkeeper 1869 Tags: 1869, 1990, 259, Bookkeeper, Goff, Jose, Lafayette, Margati, Massachuetts, Rory, Salem, Street 255 Lafayette Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for William S. Messervy, Tenth Mayor of Salem in 1868 Tags: 1868, 1990, 255, Goff, Lafayette, Massachusetts, Mayor, Messervy, Rory, Salem, Street, William 248 Lafayette Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built in 1848 for John Clifton, merchant Tags: 1848, 1992, 248, Clifton, Donna, Lafayette, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Vinson, William 238 Lafayette Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built in 1910 for John McMorrill, broker Tags: 1910, 1991, 238, Broker, Englehardt, Goff, John, Lafayette, Massachusetts, McMorrill, Nancy, Rory, Salem, Street 194 Lafayette Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Alfred T. LeBoeuf in 1914 Tags: 1914, 194, 2001, Alfred, Booth, LaBoeuf, Lafayette, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Street 16 Kosciusko Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 James Curran, laborer, by 1861 Tags: 16, 1861, 1976, Booth, Curran, James, Kosciusko, Laborer, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Street 11 Kosciusko Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Moved to this site in 1856, by John Durgin, peddler Tags: 11, 1856, 1984, Durgin, John, Joyce, King, Kosciusko, Massachusetts, Moved, Peddler, Salem, Street 8 Kosciusko Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 James Flynn, laborer, 1857 Tags: 1857, 1977, 8, Booth, Flynn, James, Kosciusko, Laborer, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Street 6 Kosciusko Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Warehouse and Barrel Shop Thomas Downing Merchant with cousin Richard Downing Cooper built by 1701 Tags: 1701, 1988, 2023, 6, 6 Kosciusko, Cooper, Downing, Joyce, King, Kosciusko, Massachusetts, merchant, Moved, Salem, Street, Warehouse 16 Rice Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Frances E. Rae + Maria E. Dexter circa 1873 Tags: 16, 1873, 1989, circa, Dexter, E., Frances, History, House, Maria, Massachusetts, Rae, Rice, Salem, Street 37 Irving Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Mary Drinan, widow in 1874 Tags: 1874, 1991, 37, Drinan, Goff, Irving, Mary, Massachusetts, McFadden, McNaughton, Rory, Salem, Stephen, Street, Valerie, widow 17 Hubon Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Henry G. Hubon, merchant by 1872 Tags: 17, 1872, 1986, Henry, Hubon, Joyce, King, Massachusetts, merchant, Salem, Street 40 Howard Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 John Prince, mariner, 1852 Tags: 1852, 1978, 40, Howard, John, Joyce, King, Mariner, Massachusetts, Prince, Salem, Street 30 Howard Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Nancy Felton, widow 1845 Tags: 1845, 1981, 30, Alyce, Felton, Howard, Kuszmar, Massachusetts, Nancy, Salem, Street, widow 12 Howard Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Henry W. Thurston Tags: 12, 1850, 2001, Booth, Cabinet-maker, Henry, Howard, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Street, Thurston 1-3 Howard Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Sarah E. Balcomb, educator, 1894 Tags: 1-3, 1894, 1979, Balcomb, Educator, Howard, Joyce, King, Massachusetts, Salem, Sarah, Street 13-15 Holly Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Plaque was granted after research was presented by homeowner; no formal house history on record. 13 Holly Street: Built in 1915 for Hattie and Frank Brennan, dairy merchant 15 Holly Street: Built in 1915 for Annie & Harry Fitch, dairy… Tags: 13, 15, 1915, 2014, Annie, Brennan, Dairy Merchant, Emily, Fitch, Frank, Harry, Hattie, Holly, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, Udy 22-24 High Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for William Fabens, mariner in 1804 Tags: 1804, 1982, 22-24, Fabens, High, Joyce, King, Mariner, Massachusetts, Salem, Street, William 6 Herbert Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 James Dalrymple, teamster, 1854 Tags: 1854, 1977, 6, Booth, Dalrymple, Herbert, James, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Street, teamster 26 Hathorne Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Moved to this site ca. 1890 for Deborah Arrington, singlewoman Tags: 1890, 1991, 26, Arrington, Deborah, Goff, Hathorne, John, Massachusetts, Moved, Salem, Singlewoman, Street 24 Hathorne Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Abner Goodhue, Blacksmith, 1824 Tags: 1824, 1975, 24, Abner, Blacksmith, Dee, Goodhue, Hathorne, Massachusetts, Salem, Street 15 Hathorne Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Alva Kendall, stair builder 1840 Tags: 15, 1840, 2000, Alva, Booth, Hathorne, Kendall, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Stair Builder, Street 26 Hardy Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built 1851 for Edward Bennett, shipwright Tags: 1851, 2006, 26, Bennett, Booth, Edward, Hardy, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Shipwright, Street 16 Hardy Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Michael and Mary Donahue 1870 Tags: 16, 1870, 1979, Donahue, Hardy, Joyce, King, Mary, Massachusetts, Michael, Salem, Street 14 Hardy Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Joel Goldthwait, Baker 1807 Tags: 14, 1807, 1977, Baker, Booth, Goldthwait, Hardy, Joel, Massachusetts, Robert, Salem, Street 12 Hardy Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built by Stephen Whipple, carpenter in 1845 Tags: 12, 1845, 1987, Carpenter, Hardy, Joyce, King, Massachusetts, Salem, Stephen, Street, Whipple 6 Hardy Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970 Built for Daniel C. Bowditch, shipwright 1844 Tags: 1844, 1994, 6, Bowditch, Daniel, Davis, Hardy, Larry, Massachusetts, Salem, Shipwright, Street Page of 2 Next Page Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2