Browse Items (805 total)

0 N Pine Packet.pdf
Documents provided are of research conduction on house; formal house history unavailable.

Built for
John & Sarah Saul
c. 1872
Extended to carriage house for
Ellen D. Looney, dressmaker,
and her husband, John, tanner
c. 1890

1 Brooks Court House History-merged.pdf
Benjamin Babbidge, Merchant
Built in 1809

Built in 1854 for Captain John B. Fisk and his wife Sarah, by Messrs Gifford

Chestnut St._1.pdf
Built ca 1850 for Francis Cox Commission Merchant

Daniels St. Court_1.pdf
Built by 1790
Moved to present site after 1820

1 Daniels Street House History, Oct. 2019.pdf
Built for Stephen Daniels
c. 1667

1 Emerton Street.pdf
Built 1891
by Charles B. Balcomb, carpenter, and William E. Bates, mason

1 Essex Street FINAL .pdf
Built by
James Fanning
c. 1894

Gardner St._1.pdf
Built for Arthur L. Averill, Lawyer 1916. On site of house built for James W. Averill, House Painter, 1895 (burned 1914)

1 Gedney Court FINAL.pdf
Built for the heirs of
George S. Arrington

Hamilton St._1.pdf
Built for Benjamin Brown, apothecary in 1844

Mall St._1.pdf
Circa 1800. Moved here from unknown location in 1906 by Francis Ann Perley

1 Parker Court (1).pdf
Built c. 1851

Built by
Henry Mellus
San Francisco Merchant
8th Mayor of Los Angeles -1860

Gerrish Place_1-2-3.pdf
Built by The Salem Charitable Building Association in 1849

1-3 North Pine House History.pdf
Double house built c. 1866 for Patrick and Ellen Hennessey who were landlords for the 4 apartments for 43 years.

1-3 Ocean Terrace (1) (1).pdf
Built c. 1905
Armand Mignault,
and his wife,
Rose Alba Mathieu

10 Becket Street .pdf
Built by
Jonathan Brown
c. 1815

10 Bristol Street Final.pdf
Built c. 1894
David A. Roche
and his wife,
Mary Jane Garland

Built 1808 for Nathan Robinson, merchant, and wife Eunice Beckford

Essex St._10.pdf
Built for David Murphy, rope maker, in 1798.

Built in 1915 for Charles Blunt, plumber, and wife Elizabeth. Replaced home burned in Great Salem Fire of 1914. On original foundation from 1839 house built for Joseph Wallis, cabinet maker

Hamilton St._10.pdf
Built for John Wilson, stonecutter in 1879

10 Hathorne St.docx.pdf
Built for
Benjamin W. Sluman
Clerk and Treasurer, Salem Gas Light Co.
Built 1886

10 Lynn Street.pdf
Built by
William Purbeck,
and his wife, Mehitable Stimpson
in 1802

Oliver St._10.pdf
Built for Benjamin Cheever, Tanner by 1781; moved to this site in 1878

Smith St._10.pdf
Built by Samuel D. Tilton, housewright in 1852

Summer St._10.pdf
Built for John Mascoll, Jr., gunsmith c. 1710 enlarged during the Federal period rear building incorporated after 1851

10-12Brown_Apr18 Final.pdf
Nathaniel Brown House

Built in 1851
for Captain Nathaniel Brown
Master mariner
and widower

Derby St._100.pdf
Site of Enoch Goodwin, grocery store in the year 1854

Derby St._101.pdf
House date unknown, but land was sold by David Ropes to William Young February 16, 1771

101 Leach Narrative.pdf
Jules A. Gourdeau
and his wife Alice M. Bernier

Original structure built by Charles Maurais
and his wife
Sarah Beaulieu
Destroyed by the Great Fire of Salem 1914

101-103 Federal Street FINAL.pdf
Built for
Ichabod Glover
Chairmaker & Mariner
by 1799

Bridge St._102.pdf
Built 1851 for Captain William B. Bates, shipmaster

Derby St._102.pdf
Moved to this site by the year 1850
Daniel S. Lawrence, grocer

Federal St._102.pdf
Built for George Whitefield Martin, cabinet-maker c. 1800

Derby St._105.pdf
Built by David B. Hood, master carpenter for Amos L. Vincent, sparmaker in 1856

Federal St._105.pdf
House & Shop of Edmund Johnson, cabinetmaker, before 1801

Congress_105 109.pdf
Built for
Eugenie Cote
Replaced apartment building s, a store, and a stable destroyed in the
Great Salem Fire of 1914

Construit pour
Eugenie Cote
Remplacé des immeubles, un magasin, et une écurie…

Federal St._106.pdf
Built for John Chandler, grocer, 1896

107 Bridge Street FINAL.pdf
Built for
Benjamin Chever Jr.
Home of Capt. Josiah P. Creesy &
Eleanor Prentiss Creesy
of Clipper Ship “Flying Cloud”

Federal St._108-110.pdf
“The Prince Mansion” built for John Orne, sailmaker ca. 1785-1793

Derby St._109.pdf
Built for Captain John McMillan, Salem mariner, circa 1800-1803

Buffum St._11.pdf
Built for Theron Palmer, boot and shoe dealer by 1870

11 Curtis Street.pdf
Built by 1874
Home of
Capt. William H. Clough
and his wife
Elizabeth S. Clough

11 Daniels Street - Final.pdf
Built for
the Grafton family
before 1806

Dearborn St._11.pdf
House built after 1839
Research completed 1976

Kosciusko St._11.pdf
Moved to this site in 1856, by John Durgin, peddler

11 Northey St.pdf
Built by,
Miles Searle, housewright
in 1808

11 Pearl Street (1).pdf
Built 1848 by
Samuel Webb
Clerk, Merchants Bank.

Home of
Moses G. Farmer
Engineer and Inventor of the
First Incandescent Lamp
His wife
Hannah T. Shapleigh
Philanthropist, Abolitionist, and Civil War Activist.


11 Pickman Street.pdf
Built by John S. Edwards, Housewright c. 1834

11 Saunders Street.pdf
Built c. 1840, moved to this site in 1882
for Capt. Joseph Upton, master mariner, and Mary J. Upton

11 Summer Street.pdf
Built 1762
By William Pynchon, Gentleman, and Catherine Sewall Pynchon

11 Warren St House History (2).pdf
Ichabod Tucker
Court Clerk
Joseph S. Cabot
Mayor of Salem
Built 1800
Moved 1846

Winter St._11.pdf
Built for Ephraim Brown Jr. Registrar of Deeds 1868. Lord & Fuller Architects

111 Mason Street.pdf
John Redmond
And his wife
Joanna Redmond
Built circa 1874

112 Bay View Avenue - Final.pdf
Built for
Fidelia & Matthew Robson
c. 1885

Federal St._112-114.pdf
Built for Col. John Page, merchant 1782

Built 1846 for Benjamin Chamberlain, jeweler

Federal St._115.pdf
Built by Joseph Edwards, housewright in 1814. Stands on the site of the shop of Deacon Jacob Sanderson, cabinet-maker, built in 1793

118 North Street House History FINAL.pdf
Built for
Joseph Baldwin
& the Misses Baldwin
Harriet B. & Caroline Baldwin

Built by Abiezer Washburn, Housewright 1804

Carpenter St._12.pdf
Built by Dan Farrington & William Orne, Jr. 1801 Remodeled c. 1870
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