Upham Street


Upham Street

Collection Items

30 Upham Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970
William Arrington, painter, 1841

29 Upham Street, Salem, MA 01970
Built in 1839 - Occupied by John W. Pepper, confectioner
& Pepper heirs

8 Upham Street, Salem, MA, 01970
Built c. 1760
Moved to this spot by John H. Nichols, trader, in 1840

26 Upham Street, Salem, MA, 01970
John Woodbury

29R Upham Street, Salem, MA, 01970
Built for
Ann M. Pepper
Wife of
John W. Pepper Jr.
Before 1875

28 Upham Street, Salem, MA, 01970
Built by
Samuel Brown III
Merchant and Lumber Dealer
and his wife
Lucy A.W. Gardner
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