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  • Tags: Salem

Harbor_57 59.pdf
Built by
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company
Replaced three apartments burned in the
Great Salem Fire of 1914

Construit par
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company
Remplacé trois immeubles d'appartements brûlés dans
Great Salem Fire of…

Dow_52 60.pdf
Built by
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company
c. 1920
Replaced and apartment building burned in the
Great Salem Fire of 1914.

Construit par
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company
c. 1920
Remplacé un immeuble brûlée dans le
Great Salem Fire of…

Congress_105 109.pdf
Built for
Eugenie Cote
Replaced apartment building s, a store, and a stable destroyed in the
Great Salem Fire of 1914

Construit pour
Eugenie Cote
Remplacé des immeubles, un magasin, et une écurie…

Built for
Malvina Boulanger
Replaced an apartment building burned in the
Great Salem Fire of 1914

Construit pour
Malvina Boulanger
Remplacé un immeuble brûlée dans le
Great Salem Fire of 1914

Construido para

John Dunckley, blacksmith, c. 1802

Built in 1915 for Charles Blunt, plumber, and wife Elizabeth. Replaced home burned in Great Salem Fire of 1914. On original foundation from 1839 house built for Joseph Wallis, cabinet maker

Built c. 1843-1845 for James Trask, Postman

Built in 1787 for Robert Wallis, cabinet maker. Later was home of William Knight, Cordwainer, Joseph N. Smith, Cordwainer, Alice (Poor) Ross, widow, William Phelps Jr., joiner, and Michael Little, laborer.

11 Warren St House History (2).pdf
Ichabod Tucker
Court Clerk
Joseph S. Cabot
Mayor of Salem
Built 1800
Moved 1846

Northery St._30pdf.pdf
Built for Nathaniel Appleton, Jr. c. 1809

Crombie St._18.pdf
The William Pike House. Built for Samuel Ferguson, painter, by 1831

Daniels St._2.pdf
Built 1906 for Mrs. Elizabeth Stevenson (plaque has more wording than this)

Flint St._19.pdf
Built for Leonard Harrington, leather dealer, 1871

Central St._4-10 and Essex St._ 193-195.pdf
Built in 1805 for the Merchants B. Herbert Hathorne and W. Shepard Gray

Central St._4-10 and Essex St._ 193-195.pdf
Built in 1805 for the Merchants B. Herbert Hathorne and W. Shepard Gray

Carpenter St._7.pdf
Built as the Orphanage of the Seamen’s Orphans & Children’s Friend Society 1878

Carlton St._17.pdf
Built for Margaret Ellison Bray - Widow c. 1808

Built by Abraham Towle, carpenter c. 1864

Built in 1984 for Ernest and Phyllis Dearborn

Essex 97.PDF
Built for Captain Benjamin Bates, mariner 1761

Essex St._64-68 and 70 Washington Square East (1).pdf
Built 1893 for Zina Goodell, machinist, inventor

Essex St._53.pdf
Owned by Rebecca Silsbee, moved to this site by 1843

English St._34.pdf
Built by Robert Hill, boatbuilder, in 1812. The land originally contained a house built in 1688 by Mary and Thomas Mascoll on land given them by the original poprietor (Mary's father), mariner Joseph Swasey. This house was eventually divided in two…

English St._30.pdf
Built for widow Martha Rice c. 1800. In 1798 Martha Rice, "administratrix of the estate of David Hilliard," sold to John Becket and then re-purchased the "east end of dwelling house and small plot of land" on this site. According to Dr. Bentley's…

Federal St._63.pdf
Built for Nathaniel Treadwell, leather manufacturer

Fort Ave._155.pdf
Built for William G. Cochrane, manufacturer in 1909

Linden St._29.pdf
Built 1894 for Elizabeth A Winn, widow, by Eben H. Morse, carpenter

Lynde St._25.pdf
Captain James Barr, mariner, 1759; Documentation there, narrative missing

Mall St._1.pdf
Circa 1800. Moved here from unknown location in 1906 by Francis Ann Perley

Mall St._14.pdf
Has a non-HSI plaque; Built for Peter Edgerly, truckman, 1824

North Pine St._4.pdf
Moved to the lot by 1851 by Nathaniel Frothingham, Jr. and James C. Stimpson

North Pine St._7-9-11-13.pdf
Built by Edward F. Danforth and Devereux Dennis Carpenters & Builders in 1868

North Pine St._8.pdf
House of Nathaniel Frothingham, stove & tinware dealer by 1851

Northey St._9.pdf
Built by 1874 for Frederick Lamson “Florist & Seedman” The Woodbury House”

Northey St._14.pdf
Built by Jeremiah Hale, housewright, for James Short, cooper in 1839

20 Northey St., Salem HSI Report.pdf
Built for William Nichols, mariner 1838. Rebuilt c. 1885 for Asahel Quimby, railroad Engineer

Oliver St._10.pdf
Built for Benjamin Cheever, Tanner by 1781; moved to this site in 1878

Oliver St._22.pdf
Built for Lydia Griffin & Captain Nathanial Griffin, Treas. Naumkeag Steam Cotton Mills, 1858

Orne St._91.pdf
Built for Benjamin Peters, Fisherman & Coaster 1762 (formerly 30 North Street)

Parker Ct._3.pdf
Built for William Parker, merchant by 1831

Pickman St._22.pdf
Built 1886 for John H. Davis, junk dealer

Pickman St._23.pdf
Built for Alice M. Tilton & her sisters between 1887 and 1890

Phillips St._4.pdf
Built for Henry P. Hood, trader in 1840, Shop of Henry Balcomb, carpenter 1860, Altered to a dwelling house in 1868

Rawlins St._6.pdf
Built for James O’Connell, Shopkeeper & Currier 1868 House used as a combined residence and liquor store and saloon in 1870’s & 1880’s
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