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  • Tags: Salem

16 Pickman Street FINAL.pdf
Built as a
Double House by
David Lord

Rice St._16.pdf
Built for Frances E. Rae + Maria E. Dexter circa 1873

Built in 1787 for Robert Wallis, cabinet maker. Later was home of William Knight, Cordwainer, Joseph N. Smith, Cordwainer, Alice (Poor) Ross, widow, William Phelps Jr., joiner, and Michael Little, laborer.

16 Summer Street.pdf
Harrison O. Flint
Shoe Dealer
and his wife
Mary A. Leighton
Built c. 1867

Winter St._16.pdf
Built for Edward Payson, cashier and his wife Amelia in 1845

16-18 Loring Avenue FINAL.pdf
Built for
Susan B. Moulton
Widow of Nelson H. Moulton
Lulu E. Moulton
Music Teacher
c. 1894

160 Boston Street.pdf
Built for
John C. Burbeck
Soap and Candle Mfr.
and his wife
Clarissa McIntyre Burbeck

In lieu of a house history

John Dunckley, blacksmith, c. 1802

Copies of deeds.pdf
Samuel Buffum
And his Wife Lucretia Buffum
Built c. 1766

166-168 Bridge Street - Final Report.pdf
Built for
Ezra Woodbury
& his wife Mary Knight

169 Federal St write-up FINAL (1).pdf
John Huse House
Built c. 1842
for John Huse, currier
and Lydia Dale Huse, wife

Carlton St._17.pdf
Built for Margaret Ellison Bray - Widow c. 1808

Ratliff - 17 Carlton Street.pdf
Built for
Margaret Ellison Bray
c. 1809
Remodeled in 1831

HSI House History_ 17 Woodside Street.pdf
Built for or by John N. Crowe
Ladder and chair salesman
c. 1911

Ward_17 19.pdf
Built by
David Land,
Architect: A. Rosenstein
Replaced homes burned in the
Great Salem Fire of 1914

Construit par
David Land
Architecte: A. Rosenstein
Remplacé les maisons brûlées dans le
Great Salem…

17.5 River Street.pdf
Built for
Ann McMahon
of County Clare Ireland

Federal St._170.pdf
Built for James Braden, currier and tanner

Federal St._177-179.pdf
Built for William Shepard Gray, cashier of the Essex Bank

18 Chestnut Street - Final.pdf
Built for
James B. Bott
c. 1800
Home of
Nathaniel Hawthorne

Crombie St._18.pdf
The William Pike House. Built for Samuel Ferguson, painter, by 1831

18 Felt Street House History (1).pdf
Built for
Reuben W. Ropes
and wife
Grace Tuttle

Webb St._18.pdf
Built for Henry P. Hood, trader, by 1840

Williams St._18.pdf
Built by Benjamin Crombie, housewright by 1800

Winter St._18.pdf
Reverend James Conway, 1848 (pastor, st. Mary’s Church)

Full House History for 19 Becket Street, Salem MA - 7_21_2020.pdf
Built for
Thomas Ruee
and his wife
Susanna Becket

Flint St._19.pdf
Built for Leonard Harrington, leather dealer, 1871

Fowler St._19.pdf
Built for James C. Stimpson, tanner, c. 1850

19 North Street FINAL.pdf
Built as a
medical office for
Dr. John G. Treadwell
in 1852
Remodeled for
J. F. Appleton
in 1893

Central St._4-10 and Essex St._ 193-195.pdf
Built in 1805 for the Merchants B. Herbert Hathorne and W. Shepard Gray

198 North Street FINAL.pdf
Built for
Henry Chew
A free man of color
c. 1834

2.5 Essex Street House History.pdf
Built for
John Waters
Carpenter & Mariner
And wife
Mary Felt

Daniels St._2.pdf
Built 1906 for Mrs. Elizabeth Stevenson (plaque has more wording than this)

2 Pierce Avenue.pdf
Built for
Leo F. Shapley
Grocer and co-owner of Shapley & Sinclair
and his wife, Christie Reid
c. 1895

2 Sutton Avenue FINAL.pdf
Built for
Frances Tabour
Wife of
William Tabour
Cigar Manufacturer
c. 1880

2-4 Emerton FINAL.pdf
Built for
James A. Gillis
by 1894

Forrester St._2-4.pdf
Built for John H. and Joseph M. Parsons, masons and stucco workers

20 English Street.pdf
Peter Lassen, mariner
and his wife
Hannah Hitchings
Built by 1879

Home of Salem's First Black Police Officer
Robert Freeman III

20 Northey St., Salem HSI Report.pdf
Built for William Nichols, mariner 1838. Rebuilt c. 1885 for Asahel Quimby, railroad Engineer

21 Ocean Avenue.pdf.pdf
Built for Edmund P. Balcomb, carpenter, and Louisa Balcomb 1889

Turner St._21.pdf
Built for John Ellison, mariner in 1779

21 Wisteria.pdf
Built 1912
for Joseph L. Simon, real estate
and Nellie Simon

22 Lathrop Street.pdf
Built for
Perry Collier
Real Estate Broker

22 Mason Street.pdf
Built 1889
by Nathaniel Gardner Symonds, treasurer of the Salem and South Danvers Oil Company, and his wife, Harriett Fillebrown Symonds.

Oliver St._22.pdf
Built for Lydia Griffin & Captain Nathanial Griffin, Treas. Naumkeag Steam Cotton Mills, 1858

Pickman St._22.pdf
Built 1886 for John H. Davis, junk dealer

22 Southwick Street.pdf
John J. Stanwood
Cigar Maker and Tobacconist,
and Emily G. Stanwood
Built circa 1851

Williams St._22.pdf
Probably built by Peter Woodbury, housewright, 1801 or after

22 Winter Street Final.pdf
John Charles Howard
Ship Chandler
and his wife
Priscilla Cheever
Built c. 1850

22 Hancock.pdf
Louis Alfred Ouellette
Streetcar Foreman
and his wife
Marie M Boucher
Built in 1910

22-24 Pleasant Street House History.pdf
Built for
Benjamin Webb
Yeoman and Innholder
c. 1801-1807

23 Beach Avenue.pdf
Built for
Susan S. Noble
Wife of Edward H. Noble
c. 1885

23 Becket Street house history.pdf
Built in 1799 for
William Peele,
and his wife
Elizabeth Becket

23 Briggs Street - FINAL.pdf
Built for
John Goodhue
and his wife
Anna Preston
c. 1740

23 Buffum Street House History.pdf
Aaron A. Kehew
And his wife
Anna M. Buffum
and her sister Lucy E. Buffum
Built circa 1866

23 Grove St.pdf
Built for,
Philip Riley, trader
by 1868

Pickman St._23.pdf
Built for Alice M. Tilton & her sisters between 1887 and 1890

Ward_23 25.pdf
Built by
David Land,
Architect: A. Rosenstein
Replaced homes burned in the
Great Salem Fire of 1914

Construit par
David Land
Architecte: A. Rosenstein
Remplacé les maisons brûlées dans le
Great Salem…
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