Hamilton Street


Hamilton Street

Collection Items

1 Hamilton Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970
Built for Benjamin Brown, apothecary in 1844

7 Hamilton Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970
Built for Henry Perkins Benson, cotton dealer in 1898

10 Hamilton Street, Salem, Massachusetts 01970
Built for John Wilson, stonecutter in 1879

4 Hamilton Street
Built in 1858
by Capt. Charles Hoffman
as a cottage for his gardener,
Hugh Wilson.

3 Hamilton Street, Salem, MA 01970
Documents provided are of research conduction on house; formal house history unavailable.

Built for
Sarah White Pickering and Mary Orne Pickering
by John Pickering the 9th
c. 1923

Moved to this site from 2 Pickering Street in 1962.
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